13 Top-Notch Taper Comb-Over Looks

Keepin' it tapered.

Need to take your haircut to a whole other level? Then check out the taper combover cut. This style is not your grandfather’s combover: It’s got a modern twist that gives the classic a fresh breath of cool and is a look that’s great for just about any occasion. Whether you’re headed to work or to the bar, this cut always looks effortlessly polished. Don’t believe us? Then check out these taper comb-over hairstyles to see for yourself how perfectly groomed this style is:

13 Taper Combover Hairstyles That Will Upgrade Your Look

1. Overgrown

taper combover overgrown
Get an edgy look with an overgrown combover.

Get rock star-approved looks with this overgrown tapered combover style.

2. Separated Combover

taper combover separated
Go above and beyond with your taper combover by separating your hair in sections.

Want a truly unique style? Then grab AXE Spiked Up Look: Extreme Hold Glue and style your hair into this piecey separated look!

3. Asymmetrical

taper combover asymmetrical
Keep one tapered side shorter to create an asymmetrical effect. Photo credit: Indigitalimages.com

Get the coolest cut ever with this asymmetrical tapered combover.

4. Classic

taper combover classic
Nothing beats a classic taper comb over haircut.

This sophisticated classic is sure to never go out of style. Keep your tapered combover in place all day long with AXE Clean Cut Look: Classic Pomade.

5. Bearded

taper combover beard
Pairing a beard with your tapered cut is the ultimate look.

Facial hair is always a good way to upgrade a look, so drop the razor and let your beard grow in for a hipster, lumbersexual balance.

6. Bangs

taper combover bangs
Let your hair hang low to create some bangs.

Get a cool, hip style with some overgrown bangs. This look will definitely get heads turning and eyes popping.

7. Voluminous

taper combover volumized
Give your hair some volume.

Want your style to reach new heights? Then change your classic tapered combover and give it some volume with AXE Spiked Up Look: Extreme Hold Gel.

8. Bedhead

taper combover bed head
Go for a laid-back bed head look.

Try out this easy-going tousled look that works on off-days.

9. Grown-Out Taper

taper combover grown out taper
Make a subtle switch to this look by growing out your tapered sides.

Trying to grow out a longer mane? Then try an overgrown tapered look.

10. Combed Back

taper combover combed back
Switch your direction by combing your locks back.

Forget about combing your hair over to the side, change it up by combing it back!

11. Gelled

taper combover gelled
Get the wet gelled look.

This slicked back gelled look is always a great choice for any special event you have planned soon. Make sure to gel your locks back with Dove Men+Care Control Gel for a strong hold all day long without any crunch or residue.

12. Extreme Taper

taper combover extreme
Extreme tapers are always the way to go.

This extreme look is only for the boldest and the bravest. Try it out if you truly want a look that stands out from the crowd and ask your barber for a hard part (i.e. shaved with clippers) on your part-line.

13. Subtle Taper

taper combover subtle
Go subtle and simple with this look.

If you’re more into simple looks, then a subtle taper is a great way to switch up your style without making any drastic changes to your look.

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