Causes of Hair Loss in Men: Getting Real About this Hair Issue

Causes of Hair Loss in Men: The Top Culprits

What every man should know about hair loss. 

Hair loss might be something you’ll have to face at some point in your life. In some cases, hair loss is more typically obvious in men than it is in women. However, it can be caused by a host of factors, from genetics to the environment, to stress, and of course, aging.

As frustrating as this hair issue may be, it’s also important to learn more about the causes of hair loss to help you have a better sense of what’s happening in order to deal with it and, ultimately, find a solution.

Read on to discover some of the many common causes of hair loss in men:

6 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men

1. Male pattern baldness

According to Unilever’s Leon-van Gorkom, “2 out of 3 men will show male pattern baldness, or MPB, by the age of 60. It can start as early as your twenties.” While you can use hair care products to help slow down the process, baldness can be uncontrollable if it’s in your genes. Male pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of hair loss in men and is due to a combination of genes and male sex hormones. In MPB, hair usually recedes at the temples, resulting in an M-Shaped hairline—those telltale devil’s horns.

2. Smoking

You may feel that you need to quit smoking immediately. Whether you realize it now or not, smoking habits and overexposure to second-hand smoke can dispatch the genetic factor related to baldness. Smoking can result in premature aging, and baldness is also one of the results. Smoking has a negative impact on circulation, which can hinder the blood flow to your hair follicles. When this occurs, the normal hair growth and hair loss cycle is disrupted and causes hair to thin and then eventually fall out altogether.

causes of hair loss from styling
Man buns and cool updos for men, can tug the hair at your hairline. Be cautious and try to keep them loose.

3. Tight hairstyles

Braids or that tight man bun you love can lead to hair loss. When the hair is pulled back it leads to some bald spots over time—a condition known as tension alopecia. While your hairstyle may look stylish and neat, it’s really playing tug-of-war with your hair follicles, causing some strands to both break and be pulled out at the root, even. If you’re worried about your hair looking thin when wearing these styles, use a shampoo like Suave Men Thick + Full 2-In-1 Shampoo + Conditioner to infuse strands with a fuller look and feel from the shower onwards.

4. Poor hygiene 

Employing a good hair care regimen is vital. Extremely poor hygiene can lead to ailments such as ringworm, which can affect the scalp and lead to hair loss. Make sure you wash your hair thoroughly to rid your scalp from any dirt or residue, which can lead to something much worse. Dove Men+Care Complete Care Fortifying 2-in-1 Shampoo + Conditioner helps with the overall health and cleanliness of your scalp and hair.

If you notice anything strange happening on the surface of your scalp, try not to self-diagnose and stress out, which can also lead to more hair loss. As always seek medical attention when necessary.

causes of hair loss in men balding man
Hair loss can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes male pattern baldness begins at your crown.

5. Stress

We all know stress sucks, but it’s worse when it causes your to fall out! Stress hormones such as cortisol inhibit healthy hair follicle development, which means strands can get forced into the resting and falling stage. There are several new supplements out in the market today that claim to help mitigate the effects of stress on hair growth; that, together with leading a healthier lifestyle, may help improve your hair’s condition.

6. Poor diet

Sure, you’ve heard the old adage which still rings true: You are what you eat. Poor dietary habits can lead to hair loss. When your body is deficient in minerals and nutrients that are vital to your overall well-being, you might notice your hair growth and the integrity of your strands suffering as well. If you are experiencing hair loss from a poor diet, be sure to eat well and try as much as possible to eat healthy!

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