Hair Facts: 40 Covid Hair Statistics Including Hair Loss and At-Home Hair
All the Covid hair facts you were looking for.
Covid-19 came unexpectedly into our lives and changed everything. Aside from Coronavirus disease, Covid-19 increased our stress levels, changing our mood completely and developing many side effects. One is the known Covid hair, which relates to stress hair loss. Since the hair salons were closed, we started doing our hair at home. Find out some statistics related to hair in Covid times.
Covid Hair
1. Psychological stress from the Covid-19 pandemic causes stress-sensitive skin and hair disorders.
2. Covid-19 stress flares up hair conditions such as telogen effluvium and alopecia areata.
3. Patients suffering from sudden telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, and scalp seborrheic dermatitis reported increased psychological stress, depression, and anxiety.
4. Telogen effluvium occurs after stressful emotional distress, major surgery, or high fever.
5. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not include hair loss on its list of COVID-19 symptoms.
6. Facebook group Survivor Corps people post about hair loss after recovering from Covid-19.
7. Survivor Corps Facebook group survey revealed that a third of the 1,700 respondents had Covid-19 hair loss.
8. To measure recovery, patients are asked to do the 60-second hairbrush test and collect the hair to see how much they lose daily.
9. Patients have reported that their new hair is not as thick as it was before Covid-19 hair loss.
10. People reported hair loss about six weeks after the initial stay-at-home orders were implemented in New York.
11. There’s been a 25% increase in people experiencing hair loss in New York.
Covid Hair Loss Facts
12. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that hair loss can be caused by genetics, age, hormonal imbalances, medication, and stress.
13. Viral infections can cause hair loss.
14. Hair loss has been reported as a common Covid-19 side effect and symptom.
15. The Covid-19 hair loss phenomenon is called telogen effluvium.
16. Telogen effluvium does not cause hair follicle loss.
17. Telogen effluvium cases recover about three to six months after recovering from Covid-19.
18. 10% of patients have experienced chronic telogen effluvium where excessive hair loss persists beyond six months.
19. Chronic telogen effluvium is a symptom of severe Covid-19 patients.
20. Studies show that it can take up to two years for the new hairs to reach shoulder length after Covid-19 hair loss.
21. Hair loss from SARS-CoV-2 infection presents clumps of hair falling out during daily combings and the shower.
22. 90% of scalp hairs are in a growth phase (anagen), and 10% of scalp hairs are in a resting phase (telogen).
23. When a person is infected with Covid-19, instead of 10% of scalp hairs being in the resting phase, the amount can rise up to 50%.
Hairstyles at Home
24. The personal care services industry was hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic.
25. The Covid-19 lockdown negatively affected the personal care service industry employment.
26. The personal care services industry includes barbershops, beauty salons, nail salons, and other personal care services.
27. Men get a haircut six times a year, compared to women who go to a salon about four times a year on average.
28. Throughout the lockdown, people experimented with cutting and styling their own hair or having someone at home do it for them.
29. People found it hard to match the quality of a professional stylist or barber.
30. The Instagram hashtag #coronacuts became famous overnight, with over 10K posts of people sharing their at-home haircuts.
31. In the United States, Brad Mondo, a new content creator, posted a haircutting video tutorial on YouTube that gained 1.5 million views.
32. Website services like You Probably Need A Haircut was created to provide information about at-home haircuts, hair color, hairstyles, and salon re-openings during the Covid-19 lockdown.
33. Hair care products had significant sales growth in the United States between February and March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
34. Sales of hair clippers increased by 363.6% during the Covid-19 lockdown.
35. Sales of hair developers for bleaching hair increased by 190.6% during the Covid-19 lockdown.
36. Between 2019 to 2020, there was a decline of 1.1% in hair salon businesses from 93,9083 nationwide salons in 2019 to 84,3977 salons in 2020.
37. Social media moved the haircutting, hair coloring, and hairstyling business from the salon to homes.
38. After re-opening, New York salons saw a decline in customers by 25%.
39. Since reopening, New York salons have seen an increase in operating costs between 20%-25%.
40. Bangs and fringes became the most popular hairstyles during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sources: Utah.edu, AAD, health, goodrx, Atlantic, frontiers, WebMD, survivorcorps, bls.org, NPR, YouTube, youprobablyneedahaircut, statista, the click, IBIS.