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Hydrating Hair Tips: 3 Ways to Moisturize Natural Hair In the Heat

This heat is no joke.

Raise your hand if drinking more water has been on your list of goals for months now. ?‍♀️ Staying hydrated plays an important role in your energy levels, skin health, digestion and many other aspects of your life. It can also have an effect on your hair! Natural coarser hair types can notice dramatic dehydration more quickly than their straight-haired counterparts. Here are some of our top hydrating hair tips for tackling that challenge:

Hydrating Hair Tips

hydrating hair tips natural hair curls
Keep your hair hydrated and happy. Photo credit: indigitalimages.com

1. Invest in a leave-in conditioner.

Leave-in conditioners are ideal for those of looking for an extra shot of hydration. Our first hydrating hair tip: it’s important to look out for formulas that list water or moisturizing oils as their main ingredients. Suave Professionals Avocado + Olive Oil Smoothing Leave-In Conditioner is a drugstore favorite that’s ideal for this purpose. Use it after you wash your hair as a leave-in solution for hair dehydration.

2. Avoid heat.

Consider stashing your hot tools away for the duration of the season and wearing your hair natural. Extra heat has the potential to further dry your hair out so it’s best to avoid heavy heat when possible. If you find yourself spending a lot of time out in the sun then consider grabbing a hat or a scarf to protect your strands!

3. Drink water.

Last but not least, one of the most logical hydrating hair tips yet. You are what you eat, right? This applies to hydration, too! Grab an environment-friendly reusable water bottle and make hydration a priority. The more water you drink, the better your hair will look and feel!

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