man bun styles for older men

On Our Radar: Man Bun Ideas for Older Men

Crisp and confident, just as it should be.

Age is most definitely just a number, especially when it comes to style—and don’t let anyone tell you any differently. Admittedly, men have mostly had it easier in the aging department (but we women are getting there!), and just when you think certain looks—like yeards, or man bun ideas and hairstyles—were an exception to the rule, we spy dapper gentlemen like these that prove that personal style is a universal, all-inclusive concept.

Man Bun Ideas for Older Men

man bun ideas for older men
Clean, condifent and respects your texture. Photo credit:

Presenting: the mature man bunner. He is confident in the idea that not only does his hairstyle check all the cool boxes, but that the added wavy/curly texture and salt-and-pepper feel elevates it even further.

There’s nothing pretentious about it, either: Straightforwardly paired with a full, solid, well-groomed beard, with the hair fashioned in a clean top knot version, the whole look is cohesive and, best of all, these man bun ideas are quick to recreate.

And although the very notion of a man bun predetermines the lack of some washing some days beforehand, it’s usually best to start on clean hair as there’s less buildup, which gives hair more traction and grip. Wash strands—at least the night before—with a clarifying shampoo such as Dove Men+Care Oxygen Charge Fortifying Shampoo. Rinse well and towel-dry/air-dry/blow-dry.

Bun vs. Knot

Assess how much hair you have to work with; anything shorter than 8 to 10 inches might be more secure as a knot. To achieve, brush your hair thoroughly to detangle, then rub a small finger-swipe amount of paste or malleable wax (we like Bed Head for Men by TIGI Pure Texture Molding Paste) between palms and apply onto hair. Comb or finger-comb through evenly, and—trust us on this one—flip your head over to get that perfectly positioned high ponytail on your crown.

Smoothen any bumps in the base as you grip and re-grip your ponytail, then taking a hair tie in one hand, pull hair through to create your ponytail. Twist the tie around in a figure-eight on the next loop and so on, until you reach your last loop—at which point, leave the ends not completely pulled through for your knot.

If you have longer hair, after flipping your hair over, twist hair tightly till your pony resembles a rope and coil it around its own base to create your bun. Loop a hair tie around the knob till it feels comfortable yet snug. Pair with your sleekest winter gear, and you’re done.

Looking for more man bun ideas? Check out our roundup of the most stylish man bun versions out there.

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