silver shampoo platinum bob

Silver Shampoo: A Blonde’s Best Friend

If you're suffering from dull, yellowed hair, then try using silver shampoo to revitalize your blonde color.

We all know what they say about blondes, but all that so-called “fun” definitely comes at a price. One of the biggest downsides to having unnaturally blonde locks is keeping the color of your hair looking vibrant and healthy. As color starts to fade, those platinum blonde locks can start to look a little brassy and muddy. Its a pain to deal with, and you might think that your only remaining option is to reach for the bleach bottle again, or to go for another expensive hair appointment. That is, until silver shampoo arrived!

Silver Shampoo: The Ultimate Brass Fighter

silver shampoo
If your blonde locks are suffering from orange or yellow discoloration, silver shampoo is perfect for you.

Silver shampoo, a.k.a. a purple toning shampoo known for keeping blonde, gray and yes, silver hair vibrant, is a miracle worker in preventing brassy, discolored locks. For those of us who suffer from this unwanted color situation, which often occurs with those who’ve dyed their hair blonde as well as with those with natural gray hair, we know how frustrating it is to see that dullness start to creep in. Silver shampoo can help prevent that: It works as a toning agent for your strands, and does its magic by following the color wheel theory.

Color correction

The color wheel theory implies that colors that are closer in pigment on the color wheel work harmoniously together, while those opposite of each other on the wheel, i.e. blue and orange, or yellow and purple, contrast each other. Since the bluish-purple and violet hues infused in silver shampoo are opposite of orange and yellow on the wheel, they balance each other out and tone down any brassiness, effectively neutralizing your tone. The result: brighter, blonder, sexier hair!

Although it mainly is formulated for bottle blondes, just about anyone can benefit from a silver shampoo wash. Whether you’re naturally blonde or a redhead and want to make your color more vibrant, or if you have jet-black dye that you want to give an extra boost to, silver shampoo can help with all of your discoloration needs. Even those with naturally gray and even white hair can benefit from the brightening effects of silver shampoo, as even regular shower or tap water can deposit minerals that may discolor and stain our strands.

A little at a time

However, beware of overusing silver shampoo: Using too much of it can leave a purplish stain to hair! try using it about once or twice a week at most, and if you start to notice any purple pigmentation, just wash and rise your hair with regular shampoo until it comes out.

To bring your brassy hair back to a bright, ashy blonde color, try using Bed Head by TIGI Dumb Blonde Purple Toning ShampooIt’s perfect for balancing out brassiness, and you’ll start to see results in as little as one wash. Make your blonde color bright and vibrant for weeks, without having to resort to hours in the salon chair.

If you’re looking for a new way to style your blonde hair, then check out our blonde hair ideas to inspire your new look!

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