Hair Facts: 51 Hair Loss Statistics Among Men and Women
All the facts about hair loss you were looking for.
It is known that by age 50, both men and women will encounter some form of hair loss. That’s why we rounded up some very mind-blowing hair loss statistics. The following statistics are here for you just in case you are as curious about hair and hair conditions as we are.
Statistics of Male Pattern Baldness (MPB)
1. Male pattern baldness is also called androgenic alopecia.
2. Androgenic alopecia is a hereditary condition, meaning having a family history of baldness.
3. Men who have close relatives with male pattern baldness are at a higher risk of developing male pattern baldness.
4. Genetics and male pattern baldness are true when their relatives are on the maternal side of the family.
6. Inherited male pattern baldness usually has no side effects.
7. Baldness comes from both mother’s and father’s genes.
8. Male pattern baldness is associated with male sex hormones called androgens.
9. One of the androgens’ many functions is to regulate hair growth.
10. 50% of men over the age of 50 years old will be affected by male pattern baldness.
11. Male pattern baldness weakens the hair’s natural growth cycle, as a result, the hair follicle shrinks, producing shorter and finer strands of hair.
12. Male pattern baldness ends the growth cycle for each hair and no new hair grows.
13. Physicians use the pattern of hair loss to diagnose male pattern baldness.
14. Physicians perform medical history and examinations to diagnose androgenic alopecia and to rule out health conditions as the cause of hair loss such as fungal conditions of the scalp.
15. Skin biopsy and blood tests are also used to diagnose disorders responsible for hair loss.
16. An indication of male pattern baldness is when hair loss begins at the temples or the crown of the head.
17. Male pattern baldness in men starts with a single bald spot.
18. When the hairline recedes to form an “M” shape is a sign of male pattern baldness.
19. With male pattern baldness, the hairline will continue to recede until all or most hair is gone.
Hair Loss Statistics 2022
20. 64 million Americans, male and female will suffer hair loss by age 30.
21. 80% of women will suffer from some kind of hair loss by age 60.
22. 65% of men will suffer from some kind of hair loss by age 60.
23. 25% of men who have hereditary male pattern baldness start losing their hair before the age of 21.
24. 66% of men will have experienced some degree of hair loss by age 35.
25. 85% of men will have significantly thinner hair by age 50.
26. In 2025, there will be 7.42 million more women than men, at approximately 51.1% of females of the total USA population.
27. Male pattern baldness is diagnosed with a device called a densitometer.
28. The densitometer is used to assess the degree of miniaturization of the hair follicles.
29. In some cases, hair analysis or biopsy is recommended to assess the possibility of poison-induced hair loss.
30. The Norwood scale (or Hamilton-Norwood scale) is the leading classification system used to measure male pattern baldness.
Hair Loss Statistics Worldwide
31. 35 million men and 21 million women deal with hair loss.
32. 40% is the estimated loss rate for men age 35.
33. 70% is the estimated loss rate for men age 80.
34. It’s estimated that the majority of the adult worldwide population today will lose more hair than their predecessors from previous generations.
35. It’s also estimated that more people will require professional services to help them restore their lost hair.
36. By age 60, women’s hair loss sufferers will be in the 80% range.
37. 47% of people with hair loss are willing to spend their life savings restoring a full head of hair.
38. Hair loss is an estimated $1 billion-a-year industry.
39. Hair transplants in the United States will pass 231,720 surgeries in 2027.
40. 87% of hair transplants surgeries patients in the United States are men.
41. $4.9 billion dollars is the market for hair restoration treatments in the United States.
42. $11 billion dollars is the projected world market for hair loss treatments in 2027.
43. $3.4 billion dollars is the United States hair loss treatment manufacturing revenue in 2022 so far.
44. The global hair loss treatment market will be $3773.54 million by 2028.
45. The wig and hairpiece market size in the United States will be $366 million in 2022.
46. Medical insurance providers typically cover 80.0% to 100.0% of the cost for medical wig cranial prostheses.
47. The world market for laser hair loss treatment will reach $318.4 million by 2026.
48. Chemical hair treatments such as perms, and strengthening can trigger premature hair loss.
49. Wearing tight hairstyles that pull hair such as high ponytails, braids, or protective hairstyles may trigger premature hair loss called alopecia areata.
50. The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary thinning or baldness.
51. Alopecia areata is increasing among those with employer-sponsored health insurance.
Sources: The Hair Society, Healthline, MedLine Plus, Mayo Clinic, American Hair Loss Association, NuHair, Managed Healthcare.