Meet the corset braids trend taking over Instagram
Heard about the corset braids trend? Find out what it is and how to do a corset braid, here!
It’s no secret that we’re a little obsessed with braids! Whether it’s fishtails or milkmaid braids, we’re always on the look out for new trends to try. And, coincidentally, there’s a new braid in town that we’re super excited to tell you about. Inspired by a waist-cinching garments, we’re totally crushing on corset braids!
We’re sure you know all about corsets, but we bet that you’ve never thought that they could become part of a hairstyle, right? Neither did we, until we spotted corset braid hair on the Lesley Hampton runway, and more recently all over Instagram. To see what all of the fuss is about, keep on reading to discover more about this unique braided style, plus how you can achieve it at home!
The corset hair braid trend we’re lusting over

While you may be put off by the name, corset braids simply consists of criss-crossing thread, tinsel, ribbon (or whatever you can get your hands on!) through a braided hairstyle.
In the picture above, Instagrammer Ariba has gone for a double parting, working her corset hair braid with silver thread through it. And doesn’t it look amazing? Credit: @ariba_pervaiz

If you ask us, the best thing about corset braid hair is that you can add a corset touch to just about any braided hairstyle, whether it’s a half-up, half-down style, or even an updo.
With so many different ways to work this trend, you can easily wear it all year long and still have a fresh, on-trend ‘do. So, if you’re ready to make your friends green with hair-envy, you know what to do! Credit: @livingblessedbygod

How to do a corset braid
This style may look tricky to achieve, but it really couldn’t be simpler! In fact, learning how to do a corset braid is actually super easy, because you already know how to the hardest part: braiding.
Just think of the technique as the same as tying up a shoe lace. Choose your preferred braid style (be it a French, Dutch, fishtail or cornrow braid), weave it through your hair and then secure the ends. Once complete, pick your desired form of thread and pull it though your plait in a criss-cross pattern – or any pattern you can think of – all the way to the end of your hair.
If you really want to make your mane game strong, weave a thick ribbon (in any colour you like!) through some boxer braids. You’ll definitely be able to rock this corset braid hair look at a festival, or even at the gym! Credit: @aki_kaiyun
Loved these corset braids and now want even more inspiration for your mane? Then you’re going to jump for joy when you see the colourful waterfall braids that we love from Instagram! Or, if you fancy a challenge, add this woven braided ponytail to your repertoire!