How to get rid of split ends yourself: Our top 3 tips
Time to take matters into your own hands.
Here at All Things Hair, we would always suggest going to see a professional to sort out your split ends, first and foremost. Yet with our busy, modern lives, we know that’s not always the easiest of tasks. However, there is another solution: learn how to get rid of split ends yourself.
Believe it or not, you can handle getting rid of nasty split ends yourself – you just need some handy hints and tips to help you through it. Luckily for you, we’ve done just that and put together our tops tips to help you do it right. So, before you reach for the scissors, scroll down and learn how to get rid of split ends in the most effective way.
How to get rid of split ends yourself

1. Pick the perfect tools
If you’re set on tackling your split ends yourself, then first things first: you’ll need the right equipment. You may think that any old pair of scissors will do, but that’s not quite true. In reality, if you’re planning to get rid of split ends yourself, then you need to purchase scissors that are made specifically for cutting hair.
Although using sharp household scissors doesn’t seem like such a terrible idea, it can cause damage to your tresses by bending the strands, rather than cleanly cutting them. So, invest wisely in your shears!
2. Pencil it in your diary
The best way to minimise the damage that split ends cause is to get regular trims. Yes, we know it’s not what you want to hear, but trust us, you don’t want those pesky splits to travel further and further up the hair shaft – otherwise you’ll have more to cut off in the end.
So, don’t put off trimming your hair or slyly push back your next appointment at the salon. Instead, we suggest making your hair trims small and frequent – say, around every 2-3 months – to help limit any split end damage. Trust us, your hair will thank you for it in the long run!
3. Know the difference between ‘trimming’ and ‘dusting’
We know it sounds a little strange, but do you know the difference between trimming and dusting your hair? Let’s start by explaining that they’re both hair-cutting techniques to help rid your tresses of split ends.
Trimming is a method that normally takes off a few inches of hair, with the length being cut determined by how much hair damage there is. Dusting, on the other hand, is a technique often favoured by those with curly or natural hair. It involves cutting such a small amount of hair that the trimmed hair looks like dust, hence the name! The best part? You can dust your hair in between the trims – which is great news for those of us that are precious about our hair length!
Enjoyed this article? To find out more about split end trimming techniques, read our article: How to avoid split ends: The hair trimming techniques you should know.